I recently purchased a Canon MG6600 printer for home use, but I have noticed that it uses color cartridges when printing in grayscale. In contrast, previous color printers I have used were able to print in grayscale without color cartridges, using different densities of black spots to create different brightness levels. I am wondering how to determine if a printer supports true grayscale mode.

To troubleshoot this issue, I have tried setting “Color” to “Black and White” when printing PDFs from Chrome and enabling “Grayscale printing” in the printer’s settings in Windows 10. However, this has not resolved the issue and the printer is still using color cartridges when printing in grayscale.


As shown in the example, some areas are actually gray, but the printer is still using color cartridges. Is there a way to determine if the Canon MG6600 or any other printer supports true grayscale mode?

Askify Moderator Edited question May 4, 2023