The Bluetooth feature on Windows 10 is unable to establish a connection with any device. An error message indicates that there was no response received from the device.

Here’s a paraphrased version of the text:

These are the steps I took to address the issue with my Bluetooth not working properly:

I restarted the Bluetooth support service, ran the Bluetooth troubleshooter, and uninstalled and reinstalled the Bluetooth drivers.

I attempted to reinstall the system on different hard disk partitions using the same system image, and found that the Bluetooth function worked correctly in the new system.

Therefore, I resolved to fix the problem by modifying the registry on the old system. I looked up the class ID of the Bluetooth hardware in the device manager and queried the registry values associated with the old and new systems, which solved the issue.

Information: Registry

Information: The class ID of the Bluetooth hardware

Would anyone be able to provide me with some recommendations for resolving this issue? I would greatly appreciate it.

Askify Moderator Edited question May 1, 2023