To begin with, I have knowledge about the functioning of computers, and when I refer to a memory leak, I am describing a situation where data is stored in the memory either intentionally or unintentionally, but it is not deleted even after the program has been closed, resulting in memory wastage.

Here’s my issue

After turning on my computer, which is running on Windows 10 build 17134, I noticed that 40% of the memory was being used, which seemed normal. Since I have 16 GB of RAM, 6.9 GB was expected to be in use. However, upon checking the Task Manager’s Details tab, I noticed that the memory usage of all the running processes added up to only 1.5 GB, which is much lower than the 6.9 GB being shown as the total memory usage. I am wondering if this is a result of a 5.4 GB memory leak or something else.

Some have suggested that outdated graphics card drivers may be causing the problem, but I am unable to update them as that causes my graphics card to stop working. I have already disabled most of the startup programs and third-party services, leaving only Avast Antivirus, Rainmeter, NVIDIA nView, and Hamachi’s service running.

The problem I was having has improved but not been entirely resolved

After my computer updated, I noticed that the memory usage upon booting up was 2 GB, which was much better than the 6.9 GB in the previous conditions with the same startup programs and settings. Even with my memory-intensive browser, Vivaldi, with only one tab open (StackExchange), the memory usage is around 3.3 GB.

Despite discussing this issue in the comments, I am still unsure why the memory usages in the Task Manager’s “Details” tab do not add up, and I am aware that this is not due to a memory leak or a problem with Windows itself. It seems like Microsoft should have addressed this issue. I am still trying to figure out if I am looking at the wrong information in the Task Manager or if there is some other explanation for this. If there is any additional information required, please.

Askify Moderator Edited question April 30, 2023